Friday, August 13, 2010

Penang Laksa

Penang laksa (Malay: Laksa Pulau Pinang), also known as asam laksa from the Malay for tamarind, comes from the Malaysian island of Penang. It is made with mackerel (ikan kembung) soup and its main distinguishing feature is the asam or tamarind which gives the soup a sour taste. The fish is poached and then flaked. Other ingredients that give Penang laksa its distinctive flavour include lemongrass, galangal (lengkuas) and chilli. Typical garnishes include mint, pineapple slices, thinly sliced onion, hε-ko, a thick sweet prawn paste and use of torch ginger flower. This, and not 'curry mee' is the usual 'laksa' one gets in Penang.

600g laksa noodles (you can get it easily from supermarkets), scald in hot water and drain

lkg flaked ikan kembong or ikan parang
A pinch of salt
2000ml water

(B) Spices to grind finely:
6-7 fresh chillies
4-5 dried chillies
1 small piece lengkuas
2cm fresh turmeric
20 shallots
2 cloves garlic
6 candlenuts (buah keras)

5 stalks daun kesom
1 bunga kantan, cut lengthwise
5-4 stalks serai, smashed

Mix and strain:
50g tamarind (assam jawa)
250ml water
4 pieces asam keping
1 tbsp Maggi Belacan powder (it’s so convenient to use this, instead of roasting a piece of belacan)
Salt and monosodium glutamate to taste

(D) Garnishing:
Slice thinly:
100g pineapple
1 cucumber
2 bunga kantan
3 red chillies
2 big onions
200g lettuce
Mint leaves

Enough sticky black prawn paste (hayko) - dissolve in a little hot water

Boil fish with the water. When fish is cooked remove it from the stock and flake it. Leave water (fish stock) in the pot.

Add (B) and (C) in the fish stock and simmer until it reaches the desired consistency. Put in flaked fish meat and keep the laksa gravy over a moderate heat.

Put laksa noodles into serving bowls. Spoon the laksa gravy over and garnish with (D). Serve hot with a little prawn paste.

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